After great coaxing and cajoling, you have finally decided to visit the sex doctor to address your possible sexual problems or issues. But somewhere in the corner of your mind lies the lurking question – just how will the sex doctor diagnose your sexual problem?


Different treatment strategies are employed to treat different issues:
To begin with, the best sexologist in Hyderabad will make a detailed inquiry to evaluate your sexual dysfunction. The doctor will first make note of your medical, psychological and sexual history. While taking down your detailed history you may be asked some intimate questions causing you to feel shy or inhibitive in your answers. Try to answer every question as truthfully as you can. Rest assured the doctor will not and cannot use any of the information you provide against you or even leak it out to anyone else as they are bound by legal and medical laws as well as their own personal ethics and reputation.

You may then be asked to undergo a thorough PE or physical examination. This is very important and as shy as you may feel try not to skip this test. The reasons for sexual dysfunction are many and a thorough examination holds the key to the solution. The physical test may include external genitalia like scrotum, penis, and perineum. There could also be inquiries about sexual relations, frequency, quality of sexual relationship and satisfaction. A complete examination will be carried out which includes determining the pulses in the legs. Other tests will include nocturnal tumescence test that evaluates nocturnal erections. You will also be asked by the sex doctor to take a test for blood vessel function of a penis and the nervous system. These tests will indicate the exact reason for penile dysfunction. If you have a partner with you they may also be asked to contribute by way of providing useful information.


Different treatment strategies are employed to treat different issues:

Medical treatment –If the doctor’s physical diagnoses hint at any physical problem medical treatment is used along with other treatment methods to address the issue. Some of the medications prescribed include Levitra, Cialis, Viagra etc. Essentially these improve the blood flow to the penis their

Mechanical aids – Erectile dysfunction is treated using mechanical aids like penile implants and vacuum devices. by improving the man’s physical performance. Premature ejaculation is treated using a drug called Promescent. This is a topical spray containing lidocaine that is known to reduce sensitivity, sprayed on the penis as it helps in ejaculation control. Another aspect of medical treatment is balancing the hormone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy is a therapy advised to those men who have low levels of testosterone in their blood.

Psychological therapy – In numerous cases, the best sexologist in Hyderabad can address any sex-related problems with simple consultation and counseling sessions. Many men have feelings of fear, guilt, and anxiety directly impacting their sexual performance. Opening up to the therapist sometimes helps them overcome these issues and also answers many of their questions that they may be too shy to ask anybody else.

Education and communication – one way of overcoming anxiety is by educating in matters of sex and sexual behaviors. Speak openly with your partner about needs, concerns or any other issues you may have. Bringing down the barriers helps in promoting a healthy sexual relationship and also strengthens the bond between the partners.

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