Sexless Marriages

Sexless marriage is also called unconsummated marriage in which the couple are not able to have normal intercourse. Though there are medical and therapeutic treatments available, many couples still suffered and are embarrassed. This condition eventually leads to conflicts and infertility between the couple.

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There might be a single or multiple issues behind unconsumed marriages such as erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, vaginismus, dyspareunia or no desire/lubrication. Whatever the cause for the condition, but somehow, it definitely shows impact on marital life. In some cases it might lead to stress or depression, because of these consequences, the couple may not balance their personal life as well as their work life. Gradually, they lose both professional life and personal life and become idle throughout the life.

Whatever the problem, it is well treated in the initial stages.  The health conditions always become as severe as neglected. The couple must consult a sexologist instead, making the condition more severe and chronic. Dr. Bala is a UK Trained Sexual Medicine Specialist and American Board Certified Sexologist who has given the best treatment for thousands of couples and made their marital life happier. Consult our specialist for long-term solutions.